Working hard is often the difference between success and failure, but is also a rewarding pursuit in itself. Lennie is a hard worker and george knows if he is given a chance to show that, his disabilities might be overlooked by the boss. After arguing about the challenges that lennie brings into george’s life, george begins to feel bad, and lennie senses his advantage and immediately asks george to tell him.
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Common sense observations of human behavior support a similar dissociation in.
Lennie may be a good worker, but is it really discrimination not to want to hire a crazy bastard, or is it just good sense?
Due to his mental disability, lennie is completely reliant on george. Famous quotes & sayings about lennie being a hard worker: I think it would be more effective to use the quote from the book as a transition from the strong/hard worker thing to the dumb thing. Lennie only wants to be able to “tend the rabbits”(pg 14).
George is smart, lennie has a mental disability. Explore the character of lennie small from of mice and men by john steinbeck, including his description, character traits, quotes and analysis. “lennie—if you jus’ happen to get in trouble like you always done before, i want you to come right here an’ hide in the brush… hide in the brush till i come for you.” john. We think it might just be good sense.

Lennie’s innocence and desire for companionship are evident in.
Of mice and men, chapter 2. Lennie small is a migrant worker like george milton, his friend and travelling companion. Slim then asks why lennie and george go around together because most. “i wasn’t kicked in the head with no horse,.
These quotes showcase lennie's innocence, vulnerability, and his. Terms in this set (15) 'small'. Lennie is a hard worker but only has one goal in mind that is made evident throughout the book. Toward the end of section 1, before george and lennie reach the ranch, they camp for the night in a beautiful clearing and george assures lennie of their special relationship.

These of mice and men quotes with page numbers help you reference your favorite quotes.
*needs to be pacified in order to function. Lennie is large, george is small. “curley’s like a lot of little guys. Part of the huge grain growing industry of the american west, depression era itinerant farm workers like george and lennie, mostly single men, traveled by boxcar from farm to.
Lennie is a hard worker and george knows if he is given a chance to show that, his disabilities might be overlooked by the boss. Lennie is a hard worker and george knows if he is given a chance to show that, his disabilities might be overlooked by the boss. So we’ve put together the best hard work quotes and sayings from. “‘oh i ain't saying he’s bright.

The old man came slowly into the room.
Lennie is a hard worker and george knows if he is given a chance to show that, his disabilities might be overlooked by the boss. Explore the most memorable lennie quotes from john steinbeck's classic novel 'of mice and men'. *relies heavily on george for. List 5 wise famous quotes about lennie being a hard worker:
Slim comments on lennie's ability to work hard and mentions that it is obvious lennie is not too bright. His main goal in life is to end up tending rabbits.